
Set Your Career Time Horizon™ to Build Wealth

It’s never too late to explore new horizons. Career coaches at The Entrepreneur’s Source® help people discover their options, possibilities, and dreams by setting long-term career goals to establish a Career Time Horizon™.

Innovations in technology lead Americans to expect rapid results. The internet is a treasure trove of get-rich-quick schemes, rapid weight-loss plans, and same-day shopping solutions. We’re all familiar with the popular toxic idiom, “I need it yesterday.” Given the emphasis on immediate results in American culture, it’s no surprise people set a speedy time horizon when it comes to achieving career success, too.

At the same time, people’s careers are not getting the job done. Roughly 64% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, revealed Lending Club, a digital bank. Skyrocketing inflation is even putting the squeeze on high-income earners. At least 48% of people who earn more than $100,000 are waiting impatiently for payday. High prices on essentials like housing, groceries, and gas are hampering the ability to save for the future. The struggle to stay afloat is taking a toll on many hard-working Americans.

TES Helps People Discover Long-Term Plan

In the financial world, the time horizon is the amount of time it will take to achieve your financial goals. While the short-time horizon is the darling of get-rich-quick Wall Street, the longer time horizon is the bread and butter of real people who are looking to make a generational impact in their lives, their family, and their community.

Coaches at TES help real people with real families who are looking to make real investments in their future to discover a new path. To achieve financial freedom and build wealth, stop searching for instant gratification and focus on long-term solutions. Stepping away from the three-ring circus that focuses on the short game and discovering your Career Time Horizon™ will open your eyes to a brighter future. The Career Time Horizon™ is the time you need to work to build a legacy for your family.

The first step to determining your Career Time Horizon™ is to lay out your long-term goals. A Career Ownership Coach™ at TES can help you discover your Income, Lifestyle, Wealth, and Equity™ expectations. Once you know what’s important for your family and your future, it’s time to figure out how to achieve your dreams.

Entrepreneurship Sets People Up for Success

Back in the day, taking a corporate job was the answer. Corporate America provided a stable income, advancement, and security. In the new career economy, workers who formerly earned high wages in the corporate world are forced to endure a lack of job security and appropriate compensation. No longer being able to rely on an annual pay bump is turning job-hopping into the new normal. An earlier Gallup report revealed that 21% of millennials changed jobs over the course of a year, and 60% are open to a new job opportunity.

Lack of job security and advancement leaves many people at a crossroads in their careers. To meet your Career Time Horizon™, it may be necessary to chart a new course. Business ownership puts you in charge of your future, and franchising offers a viable path to entrepreneurship.

Franchising allows you to invest in a business with brand recognition and the tools for profitability. Franchisees have a support network to facilitate training, marketing, and building a customer base. From high-investment options like hotels or rental car locations to low-investment, home-based businesses, the franchise industry has a business model to help people achieve self-sufficiency at any budget.

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