Your ideal future is within reach. Meet the new You 2.0®.

We emphasize holding our clients accountable to their goals, helping them stay focused on achieving their potential during a career change and becoming the best version of themselves.

Change, on the scale of a career transition, requires motivation and commitment. At The Entrepreneur’s Source, we know those drivers must come from within, which is why our approach begins with self-discovery.

Think about you.

What do you desire?

Get to the root of your desire. Do you really want a raise? More likely, you just want to be earning more money to provide yourself and your family a happy, fulfilling life.

What are you good at?

You've been working your entire adult life. What skills have you picked up in all that time? Take stock of your arsenal of abilities.

Where do you want to be in five years? Ten?

Don't let your future as a business entrepreneur slip through your fingers. By considering your short and long term goals now, you start to build yourself a path to the future you want.

What needs to change in order for you to reach your goals?

Your goals can't just happen on their own. In order to reach them, you'll need effort, focus and maybe some calculated risk. If your goal is to save a good chunk of money for retirement, what needs to change to make that happen?

The answer to “what’s next?”

You are the only person who can decide the outcome of the next chapter of your life. Your ambitions and goals are up to you, as is the path you choose to achieve them. We’re here to get you thinking and to be a helping hand as you navigate your career transition. The rest is up to you.

“I had worked for 15 years in the world of corporate finance when I was forced to make a sudden exit. I had always thought to myself, I have this great corporate job, I’m on easy street. But I was really in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had no control over my own destiny. My Career Ownership Coach™ helped me take a close look at Franchising to achieve self-sufficiency.  Franchising was a better choice for me rather than starting a business from the ground up. I have a good sense of how things should run and customer service but I tend not to be strong on the sales side and frankly, I am not the stereotypical idea-man. A franchise is giving you the playbook, and you have a product. In my mind a lot of the basics have been built, you just need to follow the proven system. When friends are approaching those exit ramps in life, the first thing I tell them to do is to connect with a Career Ownership Coach™ at The Entrepreneur’s source.”

Andrew Brown, New Business Owner

Reimagine your personal goals as financial achievements.


Find Fulfillment Through Change

We can walk you through the first steps toward Your Career 2.0 any time – and at your own pace – in our free online launchpad.