E-Source Says

National Blame Someone Else Day

The Entrepreneur’s Source® empowers workers to take charge of their career

Do you work long hours? Do you get paid less than what you’re worth? Did you get passed over for a recent promotion?

Stop blaming your boss and co-workers for your dissatisfaction at the office and take charge of your career. “Blame Someone Else Day,” which falls on March 13, is celebrated on the first Friday the 13th of each year. The holiday provides people with an opportunity to blame someone else for their woes. If you are starting to realize every day at the office is, “Blame Someone Else Day,” it’s time to consider a healthier alternative and stop taking the easy way out. The Entrepreneur’s Source® believes in creating a culture of accountability through education, awareness, and discovery, not blame.

Here are the top five reasons The Entrepreneur’s Source® believes no day should be “Blame Someone Else Day.”

  1. Making mistakes earns respect and loyalty. Owning and acknowledging your mistakes creates loyalty and trust among your peers. Customers admire honesty and humility, and employees thrive in a work environment where they can feel confident and secure.
  2. Learn from your mistakes. Taking responsibility for your mistakes can be a learning experience. Making mistakes fosters an opportunity to grow and thrive.
  3. Blame is contagious. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology revealed that participants who watched someone playing the blame game were highly likely to blame others for their own mistakes. The blame game fosters a culture of fear and is a common fallback coping technique when people are concerned about job security.
  4. Focus on the future. Avoid rehashing past mistakes. Success can be achieved by creating a plan designed to achieve future goals.
  5. Never stop learning. Stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in your industry. Honing your knowledge and skills is key to avoiding becoming a victim of the blame game.

No matter your experience level or skill set, it’s never too late to stop blaming others for a stagnant career and consider a transition to Your Career 2.0.  The Entrepreneur’s Source® provides personalized career transition coaching for people looking to end the blame game and transition out of their current career. Coaching enables budding entrepreneurs to find their path to self-sufficiency. The Entrepreneur’s Source® has over three and a half decades of experience in helping people identify their goals, needs and expectations to reach a point of clarity about their career at no cost.

“If you are resorting to blaming others for mistakes, it’s time to end the blame game and start a career where you are in the driver’s seat,” said Terry Powell, visionary and founder of The Entrepreneur’s Source®. “The Entrepreneur’s Source® can help you achieve your vision. Our mission is to create a safe, welcoming environment for people to discover enough about themselves to reach a point of clarity   about their professional future.

The career transition coaches at The Entrepreneur’s Source® work with you to determine your goals, needs and expectations and find a way to make your vision a reality. The Entrepreneur’s Source® believes reaching self-sufficiency and financial freedom is the result of meeting your ILWE, or Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity, goals. Career transition coaches hold people accountable to  their goals and help clients achieve their potential by staying focused and committed. The coaching experience allows clients to guide the interaction and uses questions to determine their needs. It provides stepping-stones to reach the clients’ vision.

If you are ready to take charge of your career, visit the Career 2.0 Launchpad®. Discover how you can put an end to the blame game by determining what you want from your new career and how a coach can help you achieve your vision.

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