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The Entrepreneur’s Source Terry Powell Discusses Battered Investor Syndrome and How to Overcome It

The Entrepreneur’s Source Terry Powell Discusses Battered Investor Syndrome and How to Overcome It

As more of the Baby Boomer generation begins to hit retirement age, they are starting to fear they may not have enough money to retire at the age of 62. A recent Gallup Poll found that 59 percent of Americans are either very or moderately worried they don’t have enough money for retirement, while another 49 percent are worried that they won’t be able to maintain the standard of living they currently live.

As a result of the unpredictable economy and stock market, unemployment and other outside factors, many Americans are finding that their retirement funds have yo-yoed or are depleted – leaving them unprepared for their futures post-retirement. These individuals are suffering from Battered Investor Syndrome, a widespread manifestation in modern-day America, and today The Entrepreneur’s Source Terry Powell discusses the syndrome in detail and how to overcome it.

What is Battered Investor Syndrome?
Those individuals who have made reactive investments into their fiscal futures risk the insecurity of whether they will have the ability to pay their bills or have the funds to afford the type of lifestyle they desire once they hit retirement age. This has left many of these Battered Investors feeling beaten up and battered and not knowing who or where to turn for a reliable investment.

“No one has any idea what is going to happen, and essentially, investors put their money in other people’s hands,” said Founder of The Entrepreneur’s Source Terry Powell. “They believe others may be smarter than they are or potentially have a better handle on what is going to happen. The reality is that no one knows.”

Many individuals suffering from Battered Investor Syndrome had to use their retirement funds to survive unemployment while others may have experienced the market weaken their returns. As a result, many of these people will be unable to enjoy the lifestyle they planned for in retirement. Although the future for these individuals may seem bleak, there is a way that these individuals can take control of their futures, and the answer is proactive investments.

Gain Back Control through Proactive Investments
Many savvy investors today are taking control of their own destinies by turning reactive investments into proactive ones, such as investing in a franchise. Investing in a franchise is a big commitment and may seem like a grand gesture, but by doing so an individual is able to take control of their financial future.

Think about it this way. Ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Who is better at making decisions about how to handle you money – you or an outside party?
  2. Who do they trust more – yourself or an outside party?

If you trust yourself more, then a proactive investment, such as a franchise, may a great way to ensure that you can retire at the age you want and living your desired lifestyle. Many people have success in using the assets they put aside for retirement and shifting them into a new asset in their portfolio, like franchise business ownership.

A business is a proactive investment; it is something investors can put their resources in and have much more control over. Instead of putting money in somebody else’s hands and relying on that person’s acumen or the whims of the economy, investing in a franchise can allow you to take control of your retirement and potentially gain a greater return on that investment than in other options.

Overcome Battered Investor Syndrome with the Help of The Entrepreneur’s Source
Chances are that this might all be new to you, so enlisting in an alternative career coach at The Entrepreneur’s Source can be a great first step in overcoming Battered Investor Syndrome. An E-Source coach can help keep your on track while also providing you with objective advice and support along the way, like helping you establish your Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ (I.L.W.E.™) Goals. For more information about how a coach at The Entrepreneur’s Source franchise can help you overcome Battered Investor Syndrome, contact a coach today https://entrepreneurssource.com/contact.html.

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