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The Entrepreneur’s Source Terry Powell Explains: What is POD?

The Entrepreneur’s Source Terry Powell Explains: What is POD?

There is no straight or standard career path in today’s New Career Economy, and this is causing many people to consider business ownership as a career alternative. When considering business ownership, entrepreneurs should start the process by analyzing their Possibilities, Options and Dreams. The insights from such an evaluation may not always line up with an entrepreneur’s past experiences or knowledge, but that isn’t always a bad thing.

“Instead of features and benefits, The Entrepreneur’s Source talks about Possibilities, Options and Dreams (POD),” The Entrepreneur’s Source Terry Powell explains. “The coaching experience that The Entrepreneur’s Source takes clients through is a journey of discovery that allows potential franchisees to learn about themselves and about the franchise opportunities they are a considering.”

Just what does the process of identifying one’s POD look like? Today, The Entrepreneur’s Source reviews how entrepreneurs can identify their POD and find the perfect franchise fit for them with the assistance of an alternative career coach.

The Entrepreneur’s Source Reviews: What is POD?
As we explained earlier, POD stands for Possibilities, Options and Dreams. But just what do these three words really translate to?

Ponder back to when you were a kid and the possibilities seemed as if they were limitless; you felt like you could do anything and be anything. When we were kids, we had the unique ability to focus on an end goal without focusing on the obstacles in the way. This same mindset should be taken when analyzing one’s possibilities.

When looking at the possibilities that are out there in business ownership, many entrepreneurial prospects put on their blinders and look into what they know, which can be extremely detrimental. When analyzing one’s possibilities, the key is exploring avenues beyond your comfort zone or even in your sphere of expertise . A vast majority of time, the most unlikely possibilities become a reality.

“Ninety-five percent of clients at The Entrepreneur’s Source end up in businesses they had never considered before, or had looked at and prematurely dismissed,” The Entrepreneur’s Source Terry Powell said. Contemplating one’s possibilities with a career coach is one of the best ways to assure that you haven’t missed the right opportunity for you.

Have you fully analyzed and considered all of the prospects that stand before you? These prospective opportunities are known as your career options. First, prospective entrepreneurs should analyze the options that are available in one’s current position. Is there much room to grow as a professional, or are you stagnant or potentially spiraling downward as a result of the New Career Economy? If you discover that you are dissatisfied with the current options that are available to you in your current employment, then you’ve likely realized that your next move should be transitioning from Employment to Empowerment.

A standard career path is the old way of reaching self-sufficiency, with the new path being an individual taking control of his or her career through business ownership. Once this is recognized, prospective entrepreneurs can brainstorm the new options that align with their Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ (I.L.W.E.™) goals that stand before them in the sphere of business ownership.

What future are you aspiring to? Most of us have had dreams of our ideal future selves since we were just a young child, but these are oftentimes put on the backburner due to other stressors and pressures of today’s current economy. However, when moving from Employment to Empowerment by moving form the “time and effort “economy to the “results“ economy, you can now have the chance to revisit those dreams that you may have put aside.

No dream is too big when looking into the future of what you want for your life. Is it your dream to take a vacation with your family each year? Do you strive to have enough money to retire early? For most entrepreneurs, business ownership has been a vehicle of choice. Imagine being able to do what you want when you want to. Through business ownership you may be able to reach the dreams that you never thought were possible.

The Unique Coaching Difference with The Entrepreneur’s Source
Realizing your unique Possibilities, Options and Dreams is the first of many steps on the route to self-sufficiency. When coaching with a coach at The Entrepreneur’s Source, prospective business owners soon realize that their POD is within their grasp.

The proven Discovery Process at The Entrepreneur’s Source franchise is dedicated to helping clients pinpoint their Possibilities, Options and Dreams. An individual’s enthusiasm to explore and define their specific Goals, Needs and Expectations is one of the most central facilitators for a successful coaching relationship and franchise placement.

For more information about how a coach at The Entrepreneur’s Source franchise can help you identify your POD and reach your dreams of self-sufficiency through business ownership, contact a coach today

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