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Employment to Empowerment: The Entrepreneur’s Source Explains How

Danger Zone: People around the country today are living paycheck to paycheck, including a growing chunk of the middle class. Nearly half of all middle-class Americans are not confident in their ability to save sufficiently for retirement.  For many,  all it takes is a small bout of joblessness for any savings that people have managed to put aside to disappear.

In the post-recession economy, workers are still struggling to gain a foothold on their professional growth. Journalist and tax expert David Cay Johnston notes that almost a third of the roughly 154 million Americans who held a job at any point in 2012 made less than $15,000 a year.

Even the slight growth in U.S. Employee Confidence Index by Randstad isn’t enough to combat perpetuating Battered Career Syndrome®. Professionals subjected to downsizing, tightening budgets and outsourcing are feeling the burden of the employment climate. CBS News reports:

80 percent of employees between ages 55 and 70 who look for work after leaving their jobs fail to find employment.

A coaching environment can provide professionals suffering from Battered Career Syndrome® a new perspective on career development options. The Entrepreneur’s Sources® works with individuals wanting to take control of their professional and personal future to achieve the Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ they and their families deserve.

“We want people to stop settling for the ‘New Normal’,” said Terry Powell, founder of The Entrepreneur’s Source®, North America’s leading career and franchisee business coaching company. “We are dealing with a New Career Economy® domestically and worldwide where employment conditions have forever changed. The days of long-term job security and a lifetime with one company are gone. Employers have been forced to get lean during these economic times, and the lesson they learned is that a smaller workforce can pick up the slack, and employees can do more than one job.”

Powell believes there are four key areas of self-discovery individuals should consider to help determine their best professional path:

Evaluate your Opportunities
Professionals driven to go from Employment to Empowerment® are recommended to create a checkpoint list of necessary desires. Outlining expectations allows an individual to measure performance and set goals.

Assess your Strengths
Identify professional and personal strengths and weaknesses and what opportunities best reinforce an individual’s value in the workplace.

Own a List of Clearly Defined Short- and Long-term Goals
Establishing desired Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ (ILWE) goals define the big picture and provides professionals with short- and long-term projects to work toward. By focusing on both short-term (Income and Lifestyle) and long-term objectives (Wealth and Equity), the ILWE creates a framework for long-term application while growing a successful business.

Accept Guidance and Support from Others
Somewhere along the line, accepting help seemed to become synonymous with admitting defeat. Not true! Life throws a million things at the average person, accepting the assistance of a trained professionals demonstrates confidence and strategic thinking. Individuals can better realize their goals by enlisting the help of a career transition coach or business coach.

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