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The Entrepreneur’s Source: Your Career 2.0: A Survival Guide for The Battered Career and Investor Syndrome: A Practical Road Map to Achieving Your Desired Income, Lifestyle, Wealth, and Equity Goals
Imagine this: You’re dozing in your seat as your jet taxis toward take-off, when the pilot gets on the P.A.
“Good afternoon, and thanks for flying with us today. We expect good weather on our trip to Los Angeles. However, we can’t seem to locate our flight plan and maps and air traffic control is unreachable, so we’ll just kind of be ‘winging it’ – no pun intended – to our destination. Looks like we’re Number 3 for take-off, so just sit back, relax…”
No! No! No!
You quit listening before “winging it” because you, along with several other passengers, are bolting for the emergency exits and screaming to get off the plane. “Winging it” is not how you want to get from Point A to Point B when you are thousands of miles off the ground!
Look:Trying to chart your own course through life can be just as dangerous without a map or help from mentors. Sure, you will succeed and fail on your own merits, but navigation aids can keep you on course toward your target goals.
Deep down you know it’s true. This is why “Your Career 2.0: A Survival Guide for The Battered Career and Investor Syndrome” was written by all of our career coaches at The Entrepreneur’s Source®, the nation’s number one resource for exploring alternative careers in franchising. Amazon Book reviewers have given “Your Career 2.0” 4.5 stars because of it’s honest, direct, clear-eyed examination of what any person can do NOW to make a game-changing career course correction.
This book will walk you through the whole process. “Your Career 2.0: A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome” first highlights the anguish of workers in the U.S. – from base-level salary employees to top executives – who feel like they’re trapped in their jobs.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read:
Can this really be true? YES! This is why countless American workers suffer from “Battered Career Syndrome,” which the book uses to hold a mirror up to each reader:
“Hoping” is NOT a plan – it’d be like staying on that plane and hoping the pilots could blindly navigate the cluttered skies.
“Your Career 2.0: A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome” addresses exactly why so many American workers choose to remain in their “holding pattern.” They’re simply afraid to take that step, for many reasons. This guide doesn’t “sugar coat” recognizing the path to self-sufficiency is filled with obstacles and challenges. Our coaches call these the “F Words of Franchising: Frustration, Fear, Financial Constraints, Family and Friends.”
Think about this for example:
Frustration – you’re so beaten down by your “no growth job,” your frustration can be paralyzing to the point of never realizing there’s another path to real freedom.
Fear – it comes in many forms, but many suffer from fear of change, the unknown, and even fear of success.
Financial Constraints – many wonder how they can even afford to own their own business.
Family/Friends – yes, many well-intentioned family members and friends will point out the risks of owning your own business…all too often because they’re jealous and unwilling to take the necessary steps themselves.
“Your Career 2.0: A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome” doesn’t run from these “F Words,” but embraces them to explain how people can overcome them. The book details where to find the dollars to invest in a business and how to tell friends and family about the greater risk of staying in a job which has no guarantees of being there tomorrow.
But here’s the problem: You’ve got the map in your hands, but what about a little extra encouragement to move out of your comfort zone?
So what’s the answer? What about a mentor who can offer their own insights and experience to help you on your journey to re-booting your career, just as they did? This what our career coaches do every day at The Entrepreneur’s Source®.
The book highlights the intense role of the career coach, from digging deep to find out if you want to become an entrepreneur and helping you uncover the true extent of your capabilities. All of this while working hard to find the exact franchise fit for your skill sets and personality, without bias, or trying to drive a sale.
In short “Your Career 2.0: A Guide to the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome” is all about helping potential entrepreneurs research, question, and explore alternative career options, with clarity, toward their next career move. A move which has the potential to help them zero in on their Income, Lifestyle, Wealth, and Equity goals.
Ask yourself this question: Are you ready to board a plane with a defined direction custom-built to help you find YOUR Career 2.0? If so, it’s time to partner with a The Entrepreneur’s Source franchise coach, purchase Your Career 2.0, and get started on the path toward finding your franchise match at www.franchisematch.com.